The Weights


Materials & Dimensions

Color: Black

The Weights are 1lb each per Melissa’s recommendation for the just the right amount of additional resistance. If you need even more weight, you can always double up, and these are also great as hand weights.

Materials & Dimensions

Color: Black

The Weights are 1LB each
- Size: Width 3.6” / Length Roughly 13.7” when Velcro is fastened with adjustable sizing
- Material: Textured Lychee Grain PU Leather, Velcro strap, metal D ring.

To Clean: To clean, wipe down with a damp cloth with water only. DO NOT use detergent or cleaning solution as this may damage the props.

CAUTION: Please keep products out of reach of children and away from open sparks or fire. To avoid any possible discoloration, store in a dark and dry place.

The Weights

The Weights
